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My experience and skill set.
I have been involved with charities and other social care agencies for four decades in a range of different capacities - as employee, manager, director, trustee, founder and chair of trustees.
During my career I have successfully raised over £4 million for charitable causes using a number of different strategies. I was the principal fundraiser in the setting up of Emmaus Oxford - a charity that houses 28 ex-homeless people - and went on to direct that charity and also raise further capital in order to build a purpose-built retail outlet - Oxfordshire's largest charity shop. As director I wrote and implemented well over 50 policies and procedures.
I am the founder of  Sanctuary Hosting - a charity placing homeless sanctuary seekers in the homes of generous people with a room to spare and I am chair of trustees for this very successful organisation.
I have also been a manager, director and am now a trustee of Communicare Counselling Service - a large well-established and longstanding counselling charity.
My training as a counsellor helps me to understand inter-personal difficulties and find solutions to them and this, together with my social work qualification and experience means I have a good understanding of clinical issues. 
As the regional manager for EAR - a firm offering employee assistance I gained considerable experience in the range of issues facing employees and was also involved in organising sympathetic responses and de-briefing following accidents and other work place traumas.
As a qualified economist (BSC Econ, LSE) I am familiar with all aspects of running a business and how to improve the bottom line.
More than anything else I love problem solving and I'm told  I I have a talent for finding pragmatic and workable solutions. 



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